Short and sweet book reviews of what we've been reading lately
Welcome to Quick Lit! Typically Anne shares short and sweet reviews of what she’s been reading lately on (or around) the 15th of the month, and invites you to do the same. This month we’re changing it up and letting the team fill you in on what we’ve been reading lately, while Anne focuses on reading potential titles for the Summer Reading Guide.
Our team has a wide range of reading interests, which you’ll see reflected here today. I hope you find something that looks intriguing for your TBR here, and I look forward to browsing your recent reads below. Thanks in advance for sharing your short and sweet book reviews with us!
Welcome to February Quick Lit
Leigh says: Another wonderful contemporary romance from Katrina Jackson! Mike has pined for fellow professor Toni for years. His crush comes to fruition right as the academic year ends and her sabbatical begins. Boy did I enjoy watching Toni finally open up her eyes and see who has been in front of her all along! This had so many things I love: home renovation, Mike bonding with Toni's cat, union organizing, and Mike learning how to do Toni's hair. An absolute treat. You don’t need to read Office Hours first but if you do, you’ll have a better sense of just how long Mike has been into Toni. (Open door.) More info →
Brigid says: After seeing a glowing review of this contemporary romance by MMD Book Clubber and WSIRN alum Kari Sweeney, I knew it would be right up my alley. The premise is fabulous, the banter is top notch, and it features one of my favorite romance tropes: only one bed. Anna Appleby, journalist and recent divorcée, is tasked with writing a new column about going on dates arranged by her young children. It just happens to run alongside a column about her (annoyingly handsome) coworker Will’s online dating experiences. Set in Bath, I adored spotting Jane Austen’s work and literary influence in the pages of this delightful love story. All of Anna’s hilariously relatable and Bridget Jones’ Diary-esque Google searches made me laugh out loud numerous times. While the chemistry in this book is quite sizzling, most of the steamy scene action is off-page. Audiobook fans, take note: I highly recommend listening to this, as Kerry Gilbert’s fantastic narration truly brings the characters to life. Plus, I can’t help but sing the catchy song by Joe Jackson every time I hear the title! (Closed door.) More info →
Shannan says: I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an advanced reader's copy of this fantasy read and 2025 Spring Book Preview selection, publishing March 4. When I read the first line, I knew I was fully in: “The River Liss runs north to south, and its waters brim with grammar.” I sped through trying to find out what happened to the two sisters who cannot be separated in the small town of Thistleford on the edge of Faerie. The story was delightful with a very satisfying ending. The writing style put me in mind of an older text, beautiful but very accessible. Grammar as magic and El-Mohtar’s word-play to this English major? Brilliant. It’s a novella, a form I am really growing to love and appreciate. I’m going to reread it slowly, with a dictionary and an English language Handbook. More info →
Holly says: I don’t recall how this memoir first crossed my radar, but I loved it! We follow Jenny as her life takes her across the vast country of Australia, from a childhood on a remote sheep station to her careers in the Northern Territory and Queensland. Many of us only know Australia as the home to the Opera house, koalas, and perhaps diving along the Great Barrier Reef; I loved learning more about corners of the country I may never see. It’s at times funny, heart-wrenching, and illustrative of a full life of struggle, joy, and loss. Kroonstuiver has also written novels set amongst rural towns and mining camps, several of which I’ve added to my TBR. More info →
Donna says: I’ve read a lot of mysteries and thrillers but I’ve never read one where the antagonists are an 81-year-old woman and an 8-year-old boy. Imagine a vicious Miss Marple and that will give you a sense of what this psychological thriller is like. I loved that this was set in a hotel in Egypt around the early days of Covid because you get a sense of this isolated, cooped up group of people who start to turn on each other. At first I wasn’t sure how believable the premise would be: would an older person and a young boy really be equal adversaries? But then I remembered how those early days of Covid felt when we worried about children passing the virus on to their grandparents and I think this book captures some of that existential dread. I read this page-turner in just two days because I couldn’t imagine what was going to happen next and the surprise ending did not disappoint! More info →
Baylee says: This doorstop of a fantasy novel had been on my radar since its 2023 release, but at 600+ pages, I saved it for when I'd have a good stretch of reading time. A few hundred years after a shadowy apocalyptic event, the Catenan Republic (inspired by Roman culture) rules most of the known world, building their power by draining the Will of the lowest classes in society. Orphaned by the Republic and on the run, Vis Telimus is forced into playing their game, infiltrating their elite Academy, and building a façade of acquiescence to their Hierarchy of Will. Fans of Red Rising will enjoy the military academy setting, political intrigue, and twists and turns. As Vis is pulled deeper into a web of political alliances, military agendas, and personal vendettas, a deeper mystery is revealed that'll have you excited to preorder book #2, out (fingers crossed) this year. More info →
Ginger says: Book Club members may remember I chose this as my best book of the year in December, but then a couple (hi, Jill and Lindsay!) shared their practice of rereading their favorite book each year from the previous year. Say less. I downloaded the audio version this time and listened as Nigel Slater himself narrated his memoir in my earbuds. I savored each short essay (some very short: just a single, perfect sentence). Think the gentility of Martha Stewart wrapped up with the roaming stylings of Anthony Bourdain. Each essay was like a Dutch still life painting that came to life. More info →
What have YOU been reading lately? Tell us about your recent reads—or share the link to a blog or instagram post about them—in comments.
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