📚 Meet Sameeksha Manerkar: Book Reviewer and Graphic Designer

9 months ago 10

Hello, literary enthusiasts and design aficionados! Allow me to introduce Sameeksha Manerkar, a multifaceted talent who seamlessly weaves her passion for literature and design into a captivating blend of words and visuals.

📖 Book Reviewer Extraordinaire:

Sameeksha is not just a reader; she's a curator of literary experiences. With a discerning eye for compelling narratives and a knack for insightful critique, Sameeksha's book reviews transcend mere summaries. Her reviews, featured on www.sameekshaa.com, offer a journey into the worlds created by authors, providing both avid readers and authors with valuable perspectives.

🎨 Creative Virtuoso in Design:

Beyond the written word, Sameeksha is a skilled graphic designer whose visual creations breathe life into ideas. Her design portfolio showcases a harmonious blend of creativity and functionality, revealing her ability to convey messages visually. From book covers to promotional materials, Sameeksha's designs leave a lasting impression.

Get to know more about Sameeksha by reading her virtual interview with "Innovating Reading and Taste On the Go!"

Please tell us more about yourself

I'm a England literature student, freelancer and content creator in love with reading, reviewing and promoting books. I started reading as a teenager and in 2019 my reviewing journey began. I'm also a recognise creator by the born on Instagram team. My aim is to turn more non-readers into readers.

How long have you been blogging? Tell us more about the idea behind your blog.

I started reviewing book in 2019 where I shared my reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and Instagram. I started my blogging journey in 2021 as I wanted to share more than just book recommendations. The blog helped me talk about my personal story, series I watched and loved, book recommendations, quotes that inspire me.

What genres of books do you generally follow and review?

Romance is my top favorite. Other genres I love are Historical fiction, mystery, thrillers, classics, mythology and self-help books.

According to you, what makes a good book? The plot or the author?

The plot is the key.

How does a certain book achieve its "Best Seller" status? Also what are your tips to newbies in the Book Writing Platform?

For a book to turn out bestseller, first it needs to have a quality storyline and plot. Secondly patience and good use of social media to your advantage. TIPS would be patient, consistency is the key, and do not stop experimenting and learning new thing.

What is it that Book Bloggers should look out for?

Look out for promoting books the best way you can, and enjoying the process is the priority.

How much time does it generally take from receiving a book to posting its review? What is the general flow that you follow?

It takes me almost a month to read, review and create content around the book.

In this scenario of information overload and binge reading habits, your blogging and Instagram posts have opened up a new avenue for book enthusiasts. What is your message for like minded people?

Read and review books because you love doing it. It's your comfort zone so do not stress about reach, followers, end of the day your love for books matter the most.

What advice would you share for naïve book bloggers?

Be honest, real and patient with this process

How many books do you read in a month? And how many are on your shelf right now as TBR?

I read around 15-20 books a month, and TBR well it's never ending, I have stopped counting!

Any three books which are very close to your heart and why?

Take a chance on me (the complete Sehgal saga) by Sapna Bhog because they are my comfort characters and my love for romance books was boosted after reading this book, 1984 by George Orwell as it helped me cherish the intense storylines and great writing style, and A thousand splendid suns by Khaled Hosseini for inspiring me every time I feel low.

Has it ever happened that you felt as if you were one of the characters in the book? Which was that book?

I see a hint of myself in books written by my favourite authors Shilpa Suraj, Alisha Kay, and Andaleeb Wajid. They write such amazing and inspiring female characters that I start considering myself as one of them.

Do your family / friends support you in this venture of book blogging?

I have been extremely grateful because they have been my first and foremost support. Especially my sister who has been a pillar for me, supporting strongly, helping me work towards my dream, understanding my overwhelming situations, and inspiring me to get better.

What’s your preferred medium to discuss books – your blog, Twitter or Instagram?

Blog and Instagram

What tips would you share for getting more likes / followers on Instagram handles for book reviews?

It's a two way street, if you want engagement in your posts than you should be also willing to take out time and engage on others content, and try unique content goes a long way.

Social Media is ever evolving. How do you adapt yourself to this scenario?

Accept, Adapt, Learn, Experiment, Create, Repeat

Do you think likes / reviews on Instagram handles has a deep impact on the psychology of the readers?

Yes they do

What are your favourite Bookstagram accounts?

Who inspired you to Book Blogging?

My obsession to reading books, clicking pictures, and recommending books to every person I came across.

Who are your favourite Book Bloggers?

Vidhya, Richa, Nitisha, Purnima, Bhavik, Anushree, Prerita, Sukaina, Aman, Mugdha, Vishal

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