Add a Tea Station to Your Reading Nook with This Shopping List

1 week ago 13

a collection of tea goodies, including a kettle, mugs, and tea organizer

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Kristian Wilson Colyard grew up weird in a one-caution-light town in the Appalachian foothills. She now lives in an old textile city with her husband and their clowder of cats. She’s on Twitter @kristianwriting, and you can find more of her work online at

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We could all do with a little more hygge in our lives. If your home library needs some cozy-fying magic, you can add a tea station to your reading nook with this shopping list. I’ve got 10 must-have goods for any tea lover below.

Legend has it that we’ve been drinking tea since the mythological Chinese Emperor Shen Nong accidentally discovered the beverage in the 28th century B.C.E. Concrete evidence of tea drinking in China dates back around 2,000 years, and Chinese tea consumption became widespread during the Tang Dynasty in the first millennium C.E. It spread to Europe via Portuguese traders in the latter half of the 16th century.

The rest, as they say, is history. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, “On any given day, over 159 million Americans are drinking tea.” In 2018, 6.21 billion kilograms of tea were consumed worldwide. Turkey consumes the most tea per capita — 6.96 pounds — followed by Ireland (5.21), the UK (4.83), Pakistan (3.3), and Iran (3.3). The U.S., with a measly 0.5 pounds per capita, ranks 36th in overall tea consumption.

Some things just go together. Laurel and Hardy. Peas and carrots. Tea and books. Let the shopping list below be your guide to adding a tea station to your reading nook or home library.

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Add a Tea Station to Your Reading Nook with This Shopping List

alligator tea pet photophoto by VelvetRadiance on Etsy

Trust me, you’re going to want this alligator tea pet to keep you and your books company on rainy days. $17

bamboo tea tray photophoto by MrsTomatoShop on Etsy

A bamboo tea tray is just what you need to take proper care of your adorable tea pet. $42

stackable mugs photophoto by the Libken Store on Amazon

If a European tea service is more your style, invest in a set of these stackable mugs. The stand is available in green or black. $30

honey jar photophoto by CharmingHoneyCo on Etsy

No tea station is complete without a gorgeously made honey jar like this one. $24

electric mug warmer photophoto by the House Gem Store on Amazon

If you’re the type of person whose tea always gets cold before you’re done with it, get yourself a nice electric mug warmer to keep your drink piping hot. Available in three colors. $26

acacia wood tea organizer photophoto by the FLYIEE Store on Amazon

Whether you’re a fan of bagged teas or loose leaf, this acacia wood tea organizer is a must-have. $50

Anne of Green Gables tea towel photophoto by ElizabethWadeStudio on Etsy

Finally, no tea station is complete without a tea towel. Pick up a bookish one, like this Anne of Green Gables-inspired one from Elizabeth Wade Studio. $20

Want more tea-riffic content? Check out this list of book and tea pairings, and get a book recommendation based on your favorite type of tea here.

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