Help A Bitch Out

This HaBO comes from Mikayla, who wants to find this paranormal romance:

This is an adult romance about a veterinarian who is actually half werewolf and didn’t know.

The female lead finds out when one of her mates, who is the tracker of the group, scents her and finds her. Each member of a mate group has gift/purpose.

She finds out that she is actually the result of the moon goddess, who interfered and had her father sleep with her mother. That meant that when her father found his mate later, she wouldn’t be able to have a daughter, as werewolf groups can only have one girl but many sons. The female lead was created to get the werewolves to understand that they need new blood or something like that. I believe it’s a series and the female lead had some sort of healing gift or something.

Sound familiar?

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